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Smiles and Beyond

Pre-Op Instructions for Dental Surgery

If you have any concerns or questions about the surgery, please contact our office or visit our website for more information.

1. Our Dental Provider will be reviewing your medical history with you immediately prior to the surgery. Please be sure you are familiar with that information – especially with the name(s) and dosage(s) of any medications you are taking. If you feel your medical history is relatively complicated, we will need to decide if a consultation with your physician is necessary before the procedure is performed.

2. Patients who are minors (under 18 years of age) must have a legal guardian present to fill out both the “Medical History Update Form” and to sign the “Disclosure and Consent Form.”

3. It is important to avoid smoking for at least one week before the surgery and one week following the surgery. Do not drink or consume alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or any other stimulus prior to appointment.

4. Keep in mind that it is best to allow for some flexibility around your appointment time on the day of your surgery.

5. If you should develop a cold or the flu, sore throat or other type of infection please inform the office 24 hours prior to your appointment.

If you are having Sedation:

1. To reduce the chances of nausea, do not eat or drink anything for at least six hours prior to your appointment.

a. If your surgery is in the morning, do not eat or drink anything between bedtime and your scheduled appointment.

b. If your surgery is in the afternoon, a light digestible breakfast that contains no fats or fried foods before 6:00 a.m. is encouraged.

c. Unless specified by your dentist, all medications taken on a routine basis should be continued without interruption. Please swallow with a minimal amount of water.

2. An adult over 18 years of age, should accompany you to the office and remain in the office during the entire procedure. Following the sedation, the adult should be physically capable of assisting and accompanying you home and remain with you for the next 24 hours. If you are under 18, please have your parent/legal guardian accompany you to the appointment.

3. If receiving sedation, you should wear clothing, which is not restricted to the neck or arms. You should wear loose-fitting tops on which the sleeves can be rolled up to the shoulder. Also, please be sure to wear shoes that are securely fastened; no flip-flops or loose-fitting sandals, please.

4. Contact lens patients should refrain from wearing contacts for that day. Please also refrain from wearing jewelry and NAIL POLISH.

5. Following the sedation, you should refrain from driving an automobile or engaging in any activity that requires alertness for the next 24 hours.

6. There are important differences between general anesthesia (being completely asleep) and Conscious Sedation. If you have anyadditional questions, please contact our office.

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