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Smiles and Beyond

Post Op Instruction after Sedation

1. The given medications, drugs, anesthetics and prescriptions may cause drowsiness, lack of awareness and coordination all of which can be increased by the use of alcohol or other drugs; therefore you have been advised, you understand and agree not to operate any vehicle, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, machinery, hazardous devices nor work or undertake in any responsible business matters while under the effect of said medications and/or drugs. You agree not to operate any of the aforementioned vehicles or partake in any responsible activities until fully recovered from the effects of the medications for at least 24 hours after your release from dental treatment/surgery or until further recovered from the effects of the anesthetic medication and drugs that may have been given to you in the office or post-operatively for pain management.

2. Some patients, especially in those who bruise easily, may develop a discolored area on the arm or in the area where the IV medications were introduced to the body which may persist for several days to several weeks afterwards. It may cause tenderness up the extremity and a hard cord-like knot may develop at the site of injection. This phenomenon is called thrombophlebitis and is rare but can occur and will eventually disappear in a week or two.

3. Please be aware that you may be fussy, irritable, and disoriented following the treatment and must be watched by a responsible adult to avoid injury. If this occurs, have the responsible adult stay with you and provide a calm environment. If you believe the irritability is caused by discomfort, the responsible adult may give you Tylenol/acetaminophen following the instructions on the bottle for dosing.

4. You may temporarily feel sick, weak, or dizzy. This is normal. Some people will vomit if they eat too soon. As soon as you feel like you can drink without vomiting, you should try water or clear juice or soup. You can progress to solid food if the fluids do not cause nausea and you are feeling well. Avoid heavy or greasy foods for the remainder of the day. Nausea and vomiting are occasional side effects of sedation. If vomiting occurs, immediately clear the material from the mouth. If vomiting persists, you may need a prescription medicine. Please do not hesitate to call your Doctor, if you think you need medication for this condition.

5. Please restrict activities for the remainder of the day (no school/day care/ shopping/ going to theaters or other doctor appointments). You must remain indoors with adult supervision. Avoid harmful activities such as bike riding, swimming, working out, working at heights, or any activities where balance is important.

6. Numbness-Caution: In addition to the sedative medications, we used local anesthetic to numb the mouth during dental treatment to ensure you are not in pain. The numbness usually lasts 2-4 hours. Watch to see that you do not bite, scratch, or injure the cheek, lips, or tongue during this time. Eat only soft foods while you are numb, so you do not have to chew (and risk biting yourself).

7. Once you are alert, you may drink sips of clear liquids to prevent nausea and dehydration. Small drinks taken repeatedly are preferable to large amounts. The first meal should be something light and easily digestible example (soup, Jell-O, apple sauce, pudding, water, apple juice, and Gatorade) do no give fatty or spicy foods example (French fries, salsa, tacos, or milk)

8. You should not take any alcohol, sleeping pills, or medicines that cause drowsiness for 24 hours. Women using oral contraceptives must be aware that these drugs and medications can render these contraceptives ineffective. Other methods of contraception must be utilized during the treatment period.


  1. All patients must be accompanied in recovery. It is important that you keep the patient awake in the car on the way home and have them properly restrained. Patients must be watched for at least 6 hours after treatment. Following sedation, a responsible adult, over 18 years old, must escort the patient home. A responsible adult should remain with the patient for the next 24 hours.

  2. A parent or legal guardian must accompany minors home.

  3. Following IV sedation, patients should refrain from driving a vehicle or engaging in any activity that requires alertness for the next 24 hours. The patient cannot drive home. The patient is prohibited from going up and down stairs unattended until fully recovered.

  4. Please escort the patient from the vehicle to the house by supporting them under the arm.

  5. Once home, the patient will still be drowsy and must remain under adult supervision until fully recovered from the effects of the sedation. If the patient wants to sleep, position the patient on his/her side with the head supported and the chin up. During this period, check the patient’s breathing and airways every 5 minutes. If the patient is snoring, reposition the head until the snoring disappears and he/she breathes normally. If breathing becomes abnormal or you are unable to arouse the patient, then contact emergency service (call 911) immediately.

  6. The patient must be conscious and aware before any additional pain medication can be given. Wait at least 6 hours, or as directed by your doctor. Please regulate and dispense all medications prescribed and given to the patient, as the anesthesia and medications can make the patient forgetful.

  7. The patient needs to drink plenty of liquids as soon as possible. The patient can eat whenever he/she desires.

  8. Please call our office if you have any questions or difficulties. If it is after hours, follow the prompts to be connected to our answering service. If you feel that the patient’s symptoms warrant a physician, and you are unable to reach us, go to the closest hospital emergency room immediately.

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